How long is my Illinois driver's license suspension for a first DUI?
Arrest for DUI or drunk driving in Illinois results in a statutory summary suspension of a drivers license for as few as six months up to three years, and figuring out how long can you expect your driver's license to be suspended under Illinois DUI law can be confusing.
If you submitted to the breath blood or urine tests requested by the arresting officer, you'll face a six month statutory summary suspension. But you face a one year suspension if you refused to blow or take any test offered. The form used by officers to "explain" what is happening regarding the Statutory Summary Suspension is called a Warning to Motorist. It is confusing even to experienced Judges.
For most people, the prospect of a six or twelve month loss of driving privileges can mean the loss of their job, affect their personal relationships, and interfere with their ability to fulfill their daily responsibilities. Tasks as simple as shopping for food now seem impossible. Watch the video to learn more, then contact us right away to discuss how we can help challenge your suspension, and whether a driving permit is an appropriate option for you.